3 Reasons Why… You Must Read with Your Child

3 reasons why you must read with your child

Not too long ago I had to meet with a child psychologist for a certain issue I will not discuss, to protect the innocent…

What I do want to say is that while I was waiting for her to finish a session with a youngster, I browsed through the little wooden wagon full of books that gleamed from the corner of the waiting room.

She had a very nice collection, for boys and for girls, for various interests. Unicorns were represented. So were astronauts and ballerinas.

When she had the time to see me, I told her how much I liked the little wagon full of books in her waiting room.

She smiled and said, “You know, sometimes I will let a parent finish the story before I open the door…”

After a second’s pause, she added: “… because, unfortunately, not all parents read with their children. But it is so good for them if they do!”

The conversation continued for a couple of minutes on the benefits of reading with a child.

Benefit #1

The obvious one is that it enriches a child’s mind beyond anything he or she can discover in her visible universe.

Reading feeds the imagination.

It teaches about the world – the “real” one and the imaginary one(s)!

Benefit #2

But reading is also bonding: between parents and children, children and educators, children and other children and any other possible combination.

Reading builds bridges between people, cultures, environments and beliefs.

There is a universal language of stories that we human being all speak. We do not need any translations and we know exactly when one works.

motorcycle boy toy maria ellis books for children toddlers

Benefit #3

Reading also helps children make sense of the world.

This, actually, is one of the reasons why children can be such voracious readers – and also why they are hooked on series! They want to know what happened NEXT… how this character, with whom they identify so strongly, solved this one life problem which is EXACTLY what they are struggling with!

When you start reading to your child early on, you open neural pathways that will last a lifetime. Their young brains will be better wired for information, for change, for assimilation – and for bonding with others.

They learn to “speak human”.

And you will be right there from the very beginning!

Isn’t that an amazing privilege?


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